Why choose birthdays

Why choose BirthDays?

We have over 30 years each of midwifery expertise. Though we don’t shout about the numbers! We have supported women right from their first hospital appointments, throughout the antenatal period, Labour and birth. We have supported woman birthing in consultant led labour wards, and midwife led settings including supporting women who choose home birth. We support women and babies and families in the post natal period at home too.

We are all rounders and have been there and done it and pretty much have seen most things. And we still do! We still learn every day and take opportunities to improve our knowledge and skills.

When you choose us, you will have the benefit of our knowledge and experience and enthusiasm for what we do.

We have designed our courses to provide you with the best possible information in a welcoming and calming environment. We know from our experience that it’s important to provide a comfortable space where you feel able to ask questions and meet other prospective parents. Your partner is always involved as we help them to to understand their important role and give them the tools they need to support you and look after themselves as well.

We work closely together as a duo and are usually together at our classes. We each bring our own unique set of skills and interests with us.

Our clients agree with us and you can read our reviews for each course here.