Entries by Birthdays Baby

Why is the Environment we birth in important?

Many women are unaware that where they give birth has quite an impact on their labour and birth. A safe, calm, secluded, familiar, undisturbed environment facilitates the flow of the essential labour and birth hormones oxytocin and endorphins. The right childbirth environment differs from one woman to another, but it should be warm, quiet, safe, […]

Common fears about giving birth and how to cope

Birth is an incredible, significant life changing event that you spend nine months preparing for, and for meeting your baby. Nothing can guarantee a perfect birth regardless of where it takes place. Despite the best planning, textbook preparations, and a strong desire for normal birth, not all births are without challenges. The best laid plans […]

Why is the environment you birth in important?

Many women are unaware that where they give birth has quite an impact on their labour and birth. A safe, calm, secluded, familiar, undisturbed environment facilitates the flow of the essential labour and birth hormones oxytocin and endorphins. The right childbirth environment differs from one woman to another, but it should be warm, quiet, safe, […]

Why choose BirthDays?

We have over 30 years each of midwifery expertise. Though we don’t shout about the numbers! We have supported women right from their first hospital appointments, throughout the antenatal period, Labour and birth. We have supported woman birthing in consultant led labour wards, and midwife led settings including supporting women who choose home birth. We […]

What is counter pressure during labour?

Counter pressure is a great comfort-giving technique for birth partners to learn. The evidence supports the view that counter pressure and massage are effective non pharmacological measures in helping to reduce labour pain. It’s great at helping to relieve any back pain and pressure felt during uterine surges and as the baby moves down in […]

Things you need for a home birth

We have pulled together a suggested list to help you prepare for your home birth. Most items can be found around the home without any extra costs. We suggest putting a box or container together so it is easily accessible. o Birth kit from your lead midwife. Discuss what is provided with your midwife. o […]

Tips for Breastfeeding

We have compiled our top tips for breastfeeding after having the privilege of supporting hundreds of women to breastfeed. Did you know a stress free breastfeeding journey begins before your baby is born? Please take a few minutes to read our guide so you have all the tools you need to make the best possible choices […]

Membrane Sweeps – Everything you need to know

If you reach your estimated due date, you may be offered a membrane sweep. Ask questions to make sure that you feel comfortable with it. You should know what the risks and alternatives are. A common reason for induction of labour is that the baby may be ‘overdue’. There may be other reasons why induction of labour […]

Skin-to-skin contact with your baby

The simple act of snuggling your baby on your bare chest has powerful benefits and helps babies adjust and adapt to life outside of the womb. Skin-to-skin. So Simple. Hugely Powerful. It is as simple as it sounds and is when baby snuggles on mum or dad’s chest bare chest, covered in a warm blanket. […]

Getting to know your baby before birth

You don’t need to wait until your baby is born to get to know them. Getting to know your baby can begin during your pregnancy or maybe even before conception. Your relationship with your baby, like all relationships, needs nurturing. As baby is growing in your womb you may feel that you are gradually getting […]